"They're start III"

Thursday 31 March 2011 § 0

It's a capcha from SharingMatrix, renamed to Filesonic. This afternoon I met a capcha "cry #$$%#@" something when I was watching movie. It's strange at point there is a man crying in the movie at that time. I'm not a dreamer who believe in magic things so I thinked It's a neutral - duplicatement, almost of time.
Then It gave a difference one, like you see in the picture. What's its mean? Vanga said there is WW III in 2010 and in 2011 Sucking Matrix tells me "They're starting III."
It began really strange. Is it a message from UFO ? or US.Army ? 
Ok, normally It's from SharingMatrix. This joke freaks me out of shit. 
"III, you shouldn't happen" and everyone says it happens incl. "Linga" are insane nymphos.

What's this?

You are currently reading "They're start III" at P.M [pi-em].


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